• You can book via our online booking software or the S2 mobile app. Choose your package from our pricing page. Then, visit our schedule and click the reserve button to reserve a spot in your chosen class time.

  • For our SCULPT class, yes! We have grip socks available for purchase at the studio.

  • Showers are available at our Round Rock location.

  • To provide you with the best experience possible, you must arrive 10 minutes before your class begins. This will give your instructor time to show you the machine & answer any questions you may have. If you cannot arrive 10 minutes before your first session please let us know, and we will reschedule you for a later date.

  • Please arrive on time for class. If you are running late, please call our front desk at 737-291-7096, we can hold your spot. If you do not contact the studio, your space may be given to a waitlisted/standby client 5 minutes after the start of class.

  • To receive a full refund for your class, you must cancel your reservation 12 hours before the start of your class. You can cancel your class by logging into your account on the S2 app.

    Late Cancel: If you do not cancel at least 12 hours before the scheduled class starts, you will be charged a late cancellation fee of $15 or a loss of a credit depending on your membership.

    No Show: If you do not show for your class you have signed up for, you will be charged a no-show fee of $25.

  • Is your favorite instructor or class time already full? No problem! Sign up for the wait lists because they work! As clients cancel their reservations, you will be notified via email or text that you have been added to the class. Make sure you opt-in to receive these notifications!

    Please consider the waitlist as signing up for a class, as we assume you would like to attend every class you are waitlisted for. The waitlist will add you to the class up until 2 hours before the start of the class. Be sure to check the status on the waitlist as class time approaches, as you are responsible for canceling your waitlisted class outside of the 12-hour late cancellation window if you can longer attend. Late cancellation penalties still apply to these classes

  • For our SWEAT and SCULPT class, participants must be at least 16 years old. If under the age of 18, parental consent is required.

  • Think of our SCULPT classes a modern-pilates class. Pilates is low-intensity low-impact, whereas our SCULPT class is low-impact but high-intensity! Our routines are written for seamless quick transitions, muscle burnout, and full body blast getting your heart rate up!

  • Because of the low-impact nature of our methods, it is accessible to all ages and fitness abilities. The SWEAT and SCULPT methods provide a group-fitness class that will challenge the most seasoned athletes while accommodating specific clients’ needs, such as women during pregnancy or postpartum or those with injuries.

  • Yes! Private sessions are available for booking between regular class times. You can find more information here.

  • Please refrain from using your cell phone to text, email, take phone calls, or video yourself during class. We greatly appreciate your understanding as this is a distraction to other members and the coach leading the class.

  • Yes! Email us at hello@s2fitnessstudio.com and we will happily set you up with a gift card.

  • All memberships are allowed one 14-day freeze per calendar year at no charge. Any additional membership suspension will also be 14 days long and $25 per suspension. The front desk will need a 14 day notice to freeze an account. For membership terminations, please provide a 30-day notice and keep in mind that all membership and package sales are final.